Unlocking the Power of Advanced Logging Techniques in Python

In the world of software development, logging is an indispensable part of diagnosing issues, understanding application behavior, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. While my GitHub project on Python Logging Examples covers a wide range of logging techniques, from the basics to more advanced practices, there’s always more to explore in the realm of logging. In this post, we’ll dive into some nuanced aspects of logging in Python that were not covered in the project, and we’ll see how these can complement the examples provided in the repository.

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Solving the Missing Stock Data Problem - A Feasible Solution

In the world of stock trading, accurate and up-to-date data is crucial. However, what happens when data is missing from one exchange? In this blog post, we’ll explore a feasible solution to this problem using USD Nasdaq data as a fallback for missing Tradegate EUR data.

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C++ dev container with conan and gcc11.

In my previous entry I explored the off the shelve container for c++ and noticed that there would be some things missing. I am still not where I would want to be though I made some progress.

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Developing C++ inside a dev container using vscode.

At the moment I am working on an ubuntu machine with vscode installed. There is a new thing out there where your IDE can run a container that features all dev tools you want so that when you move from machine to machine you can take your dev envirnment and all the tools with you.

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tic tac toe refurbished

While moving my blog I noticed that my tic tac toe files are not ready for my GitHub blog. It is funny to me how I come back to this project every couple of years to rebuild it with new knowledge.

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tic tac toe stylecop

As mentioned in an earlier post I wanted to try out FXCop. The first thing always to do is to read the Wikipedia article about the topic.

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tic tac toe tested

I recently got married and had a lot of other stuff do do as well. My apologies for not releasing a new post in a while.

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tic tac toe job pipeline

Ultimately automation should trigger on changes in the code repository. To that end I need a GitHub Webhook to trigger the pipeline.

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tic tac toe ai

I was just looking at some old projects and found a TicTacToe game i made at some point in the past. The code style is pretty bad and i am thinking about remaking it. I think it will be a nice little project that lends itself to my occasional spare time programming.

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MSBuild and Cppcheck

CppCheck is an easy to use static code analysis tool. If you want to use it right away, there is a stand alone GUI version in the package . Static code analysis is like having another programmer look over your code and comment on what you have written. I think it is a good idea to run a lot of non conflicting static tools simultaneousely. I even think that it is a good idea to hinder compilation if such a tool lists any errors. CppCheck states on its project page “zero false positives” - so running it should never have a negative effect.

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hello world with msbuild.exe

I recently sorted my old code and i was thinking that i will not keep all of it. While i delete most of it though i will remake some of it and put it up on this blog.

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hallo welt

This is my first ever blogpost. It is more or less just a demonstration for myself and teaches me all the tools and plugins i have to use.

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